
Why is the led light so bright? The answer is here.

1,691 Published by Funfairled Oct 27,2018

Why is the led light so bright?

I wasn’t sure the price was correct. Normally when I walk through Lowe price, I check the price of led amusement light. It seems they have always been between 1 and 10 dollars for the kind. At a price of under 3 dollars, this light bulb was a must better. So I choose it just for the testing below.

 led light rgb


The box says it is like a 60 Watt incandescent bulb but only uses 9.5 Watts,I just need to plug each bulb into the Watts Up Pro and then turn it on.Actually, I also used Logger Pro to look at the power as a function of time. I wanted to see if there was a significant power change as the bulb warmed up—there wasn’t. Here are the powers for each bulb.

There are actually two more bulbs in there. I had a 100 Watt incandescent bulb with clear glass and then there were two compact fluorescent bulbs with different power ratings. Maybe this data isn’t all too surprising. I did find that the LED bulb was listed at 9.5 Watts but measured at 10.43 Watts.Really, all the bulbs were off of their rating. The 200 Watt bulb only used 191.6 Watts but both 100 Watt bulbs were running at 110 Watts. Oh well, it’s not a big deal.


I know what you are thinking—sure the LED uses less power, but they aren’t bright enough. Nothing is bright enough for me except for the 200 Watt incandescent bulb or maybe the Sun. So, just how bright is the LED light. I will first tell you that it looks fine. But how about some measurements?

For this test,I am going to use the Vernier light sensor. Now, it’s possible that the light intensity is different at different angles from the light bulb. To make sure the bulb distributes light uniformly, I will put the bulb on a rotation sensor and rotate the bulb while collecting intensity data with the sensor that is 69 cm away.Here is the data for the LED, 60 and 200 Watt incandescent bulbs and the 13 W compact fluorescent bulb.

There is one difference between the LED and the other bulbs. All the other bulbs increase  in intensity as the bulb is rotated to its side. Why?When you look at the bulb from the top, all the bulbs pretty much look circular. However, take a look at the LED light and the 200 Watt bulb as viewed from the side.For the LED, much of the side profile is not illuminating at all. Really, it’s just like part of a circle when viewed from the side such that the intensity at some distance away would be less than viewed straight on. Now take the 200 Watt bulb. Notice how long it is? All of that stuff on the side would be glowing which increases the intensity of light when viewed that way. Of course, once you start getting to viewing angles from the bottom of the bulb the intensity decreases because the bulb holder starts blocking some of the light. But is the LED as bright as other bulbs? Well, nothing is as bright as the ridiculous 200 Watt bulb.But the LED seems very comparable to the other lights. It does decrease in light intensity when viewing from the side, but it still seems bright.

But what about the total light produced for each bulb?



You can think of a light bulb in terms of energy. You put some electrical energy into it and you get light energy out. However, there is a problem—you also get heat energy out of the bulb. The more heat you get, the less light you get. The most efficient bulbs will have less heat output and won’t be as hot. Let’s look at the temperature of these bulbs by plotting temperature  by power.



“But I would never use an led light bulb. They just don’t create the same color light as an incandescent.” Yes, that would be another complaint. But is it true?There is a quick and easy way to look at the colors of light produced by each bulb. If I pass the light from the bulb through a diffraction grating, different colors of light will be bent different amounts. This will allow us to see which colors a bulb produces.Here are 4 spectra produced by the four bulbs (200 W, 60 W, compact fluorescent, and LED).Is there anything else that is important about the led light bulb? Yes, there is one other major factor—lifespan. Do incandescent bulbs last forever?No. There are two problems with the incandescent bulb. First, if you shake them too hard, the fragile filament inside can come loose. Without an attached filament, you have no current and no light. Second, air can leak into the bulb over time. If enough air gets into the bulb, the filament will burn instead of just glowing. This causes the filament to melt and then you again have no led light.


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