outdoor rgb Led amusement light manufacturer

Published by FunfairledAug 14,2019

Classification and design skills of 6 landscape rgb flood lights

Buildings, courtyards, squares, block shops, gardens, roads and other forms the basic carrier of urban night lighting.Different carriers have different landscape lighting Settings and control modes. 1、Landscape rgb flood lights for tall buildings Tall buildings are the symbol of a city and the focus of the city's night lighting.Through the analysis of the properties, characteristics and surrounding environment of the building, the lighting scheme is conceived and the expected effect is predicted.Usually for tall buildings, color floodlights with layered lighting can be used to show the appearance of the building.At the same time, some local lighting is set in the convex and concave parts of the building to strengthen the shadow, form a layer, improve the three-dimensional sense, so as to make the modeling more rich;Then through the modern lighting dimming, toning means, to create and building color color harmony, and achieve a distinct artistic effect.Especially the housetop of tal...

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Published by FunfairledAug 07,2019

What is flood lighting project?

The term flood lighting is often used in writing, especially in contracts for lighting projects.So a lot of people are unfamiliar with floodlighting, don't understand what floodlighting includes, and don't know the difference between floodlighting and ordinary lighting. Flood lighting project belongs to urban landscape lighting project or environmental lighting project.It is a way to make the outdoor target or site brighter than the surrounding environment, and it is a way to cast light on the outside of the building at night.As we usually say the city lighting project, lighting, landscape lighting and so on are the same, called a different.Refers to outdoor buildings, landscape lighting engineering projects.A slight difference is that urban lighting generally refers to large volume lighting projects, while floodlight lighting can refer to large volume or single building lighting projects. Flood lighting engineering application is very wide, flood lighting: highlight the characteri...

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Published by FunfairledAug 07,2019

What are the features and advantages of rgb led flood light?

Now industrial lights will use rgb led flood light, but the price of LED floodlights is higher than the general energy-saving lights, so why rgb led flood lights are so popular? rgb led flood light refers to the LED lighting lamps used in the production work in factories and other sites.If according to the lighting function for LED floodlights classification, can be divided into general lighting and local lighting two kinds. Ordinary lighting usually means that rgb led flood lights are uniformly placed above the work area or on the side wall, so as to ensure that their lights can shine on the working place. Local light refers to the rgb led flood light for a certain part of the work area of the key lights.This way of lighting can enhance the lighting effect of a certain work place on the basis of general lighting. rgb led flood light power consumption low, high color index, strong earthquake resistance, long service life, green environmental protection, is the best choice for indu...

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Published by FunfairledAug 06,2019

The difference between led rgb flood lights, spotlights, and lights

一、led rgb flood lights led rgb flood lights generally do not have a lens (except for floodlights), but use direct light from the light source and the light from the curved surface to make it have a directional structure, but also as a long-distance A led rgb flood light for lighting that condenses light from a direct source of light to emit light. This is a led rgb flood light. In addition, there is a wide range of lighting for lighting, and a separate luminaire designed to create a more effective soft light for the part of the stage, or to adjust the angle for uniform illumination of the surface. led rgb flood lights have a light, soft and uniform light, and a color filter for other colors. led rgb flood lights for stage lighting are generally designed as a row of lights for large-area illumination. The partial effect lighting of the stage is a separate luminaire with adjustable angles. led rgb flood lights must have no spots or conspicuous spots on the edge of the stage within ...

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